Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Forcing" one's belief...

This may be a useless post, but I have a question. For those who believe that people should not 'force' their beliefs onto others, I must ask:

What if you believed that there was only One true God?
One that was all-mighty and all-powerful and all-righteous, and yet all-loving?
That there was One Truth, and nothing but that Truth could possibly be true?
That God brought glory to himself through the incarnation of Jesus Christ so that all may know Him and serve Him and glorify Him?
Also so that through his death, that we, being sinful, would be reunited with Him and given new life, a life that no longer reflected the patterns of this world, or the sinfulness of this world, but would reflect His glory and honor Him in all things as written in His law?
And what if you believed that any who do not accept the Truth and instead continue to be deceived by the flesh, would perish for eternity?

Would you stay quiet about it?

Forget the fact that the majority of us (yes I am including myself) have misused the name 'Christian' and truly have made fools of ourselves in our 'bigotry' time and time again. Even now I have to ask myself, if I truly believe my reason for this post is to the glory of God or man. Is it because I love Him and want all to come to understand him, or only to somehow boost my 'holy appearance'.

Forget all of that and I still ask, should we be quiet about it?
I strongly believe not, and for those of you who call yourself Christian, I ask, how do we do it then? How do we boast in our Lord without making fools of ourselves? (and I'm not talking about fools that honor God, but fools that are detestable to God)

What is our call?

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