Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The role of a Father

I can't stop thinking about the role of fathers in our lives. It keeps hitting me over and over. Yesterday while I was at the neighborhood pool early in the morning there was also a little girl of maybe 5 or 6 and her dad. He was helping her swim. As they got ready to leave I overheard her ask her dad if he had to go to work today and then object when she found out he did. It broke my heart right there on the spot. I almost began crying just thinking about that precious desire she has for her daddy to stay with her and spend time with her. I never got the nerve to say this, but I desperately wanted to tell him that while working is obviously very important to provide for his family, it should never take priority. That I'm sure his family would much rather give up extra things than give up extra time with him.

This began to run through my mind throughout the day... my dad has worked away from home since I was a little kid. I don't remember exactly when it started, but I know it's been the majority of my life. And still today, the amount of time he is gone may vary between months (once I am sure it was around 6 months) to weeks. And the time he has at home may very between months and just a couple days. He came home before for a couple months, but usually it's just a couple week or a weekend. Sometimes maybe even a day.

I know my dad loves us, and I know he loves my mom. He will come home sometimes just for a small weekend to be here and surprise her. I respect my parent's ability to make their marriage work through the large amount of time apart, and I admire my mom for taking care of all of us... but I now realize that I wish my dad had been home all those years. Even now it still hurts that he isn't here. And it scares me most because of my little brother Cody. My mom can't raise him by herself. He desperately needs a father to be HERE.

I driving around and heard this song come on the radio by Sanctus Real called Lead Me, which hit me even harder:

And then I was at a small coffee shop and saw a book called "Fatherhood by George Foreman" ha I know, George Foreman... however it was an incredible little book that spoke so much truth about being a father and husband.

All of that to say, any men who is a father that may be reading this, know that your role is of greatest importance! Your relationship with your kids shapes them! Your daughters will know how men should treat and respect her by the way you love her and delight in her and your sons will know how to be good godly men by the way you discipline them and lead them into the role of a man. And your relationship with your wife will flourish as you pursue and romance her. This also must be done around your children so they know what a loving relationship looks like.

And to any men who are not yet fathers but may one day be, please remember what I've said.

To the women, share this truth with the men in your lives, even if just verbally. Know and understand and support the man's role as father.

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